今日の昼食後、子どもたちが自主的に並んで歯磨きをする姿に感動✨ 働きかけがなくても自然と行動できるようになった成長に、職員一同嬉しさでいっぱいです😊 食後のリラックスタイムには、お子様たちがピアノ🎹や将棋♟など、それぞれのペースでゆったりと過ごしていました😌。
午後の活動では、雨の日でも楽しく過ごせる場所を訪ねました。市比野の道の駅で足湯に浸かり、体も心もぽかぽかに♨️ 足つぼマッサージにもチャレンジし、痛みを超えて勇敢に挑戦する子どもたちの勇姿に感心しました👣✨
After lunch today, I was moved by the sight of the children lining up to brush their teeth ✨ All the staff are filled with joy at their growth, as they have become able to do this naturally without any prompting 😊 During the relaxation time after the meal, the children spent their time leisurely at their own pace, playing the piano 🎹 or shogi ♟ 😌.
For the afternoon activities, we visited a place where you can have fun even on a rainy day. At the Ichihino roadside station, we soaked our feet in a foot bath, warming both our bodies and our hearts ♨️ We also tried a foot reflexology massage, and were impressed by the children's courage in overcoming the pain and taking on the challenge 👣✨
Today was another day full of smiles ☺️
We would like to find ways to make it fun even on rainy days ☔. Our goal is to have fun together every day. Let's create a wonderful day together ✨!